Year 3 visit Ashmolean Museum
This event will take place between 8:30am and 3:30pm on 07/05/2024
Dear Parents,
Year 3 visit to the Ashmolean Museum on Tuesday 7th May 2024
We are very pleased to provide you with details of our visit to the Ashmolean in Oxford. The day will include a self-guided tour of the museum looking at Egyptian artefacts as well as a workshop on life in Ancient Egypt. This trip will enhance our current theme where we are exploring modern and Ancient Egypt.
We will need to leave the school promptly at 9:00am on the day so please ensure that your child arrives at school by 8.30am to allow the register to be taken. On the morning, please bring your child into the school hall via school reception so that we can make sure we leave on time. We aim to be back at school for the end of the day.
Children should wear their school uniform and school trainers as normal. They will also need a coat for travelling to and from the museum. Every child will need a packed lunch and water which should be inside their rucksack. If your child normally carries an epipen or asthma inhaler it is imperative that they have this with them on the day. If your child requires travel sickness tablets or any other medicine during the day, please ensure you have completed the relevant medicine form and bring these to the office on the morning of the trip.
In order for this trip to go ahead, we are requesting a voluntary contribution of £14.25 or £7.50 for those who are on free School Meals. No child will be prevented from taking part in the visit should parents be unable to make a contribution towards the cost. However, if insufficient contributions are received we will have to consider cancelling the trip.
Please make your payment and give permission via Parentmailpmx where possible, otherwise send payment to the school office in a clearly marked envelope.
We are really looking forward to having the opportunity to explore the museum to support our learning in Theme, including looking at Ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Ancient Egyptian Gods and the way that people lived during this time. We are also excited to be joining in with an Ancient Egyptian detective workshop where we will be handling real life artefacts to research about life in the Ancient Egyptian times!
Thank you for all your support,
Mr Lacey and Mr Woodhouse
Year 3 Teachers