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Year 3 have settled in amazingly to a new school and have hit the ground running with some great work this first term. We have continued to develop their maths skills, increasing the amount they are adding or subtracting by introducing column addition and subtraction. Currently, they are adding to their times table knowledge by practising the 3, 4 and 8 times tables, focussing on what multiplication and division actually means and how put it into real-life practise. 

For our further curriculum, we have kicked off with some great topics. In Science, we have looked at rocks, soils and compared fossils and for PE, we have been playing football and basketball outside, while inside we have done some gymnastics with the focus being how to safely perform a variety of rolls, jumps and balances. Creating working tipper trucks has been our DT topic, looking at what hydraulics are and how they work, and have already began making their own tipper truck! Art had us observing Stone Age cave art and what materials they used to create interesting wall depictions of their lives; and we have now moved onto designing our own miniature ‘Stone Henge’ using a variety of materials. Finally, in Computing, we have started looking at basic coding using Scratch – leading to the children creating their own mini animations. 

We had an amazing time at our Roald Dahl Museum trip, and rehearsals are quickly ramping up so we are ready to perform our Carols by Candlelight show to all the parents as well! 


Below is a comprehensive book list for children in Year 3.